Restoration camps in Rogljevo Serbia and Gjirokastra Albania ongoing

The award-winning CHwB Regional Restoration Camps are back, with a series of 4 camps held across the Western Balkans. The staff at CHwB Albania is getting ready for two weeks of intensive work and lots of learning.

getting ready

The 21st through 24th Regional Restoration Camps will provide participants with engaging lectures and hands-on experience with restoration and conservation, using traditional materials and techniques, as well as with the interpretation and management of cultural heritage sites and museums. During each 10-day camp, participants will follow a rigorous but very fulfilling schedule, which combines theory – through lectures and presentations – with exercises and physical work on historic monuments and artefacts in Albania, Kosovo or Serbia.

Removing-stones-slates-from-the-roof-of-the-entrance-door-1024x685    Rogljevo2014
21st Camp in Gjirokastra, Albania and 22nd Camp in Rogljevo, Serbia.

21st Camp: Gjirokastra, Albania / 9 – 20 May
Themes: Building conservation / heritage management / interpretation

22nd Camp: Rogljevo, Serbia / 9 – 20 May
Themes: Building conservation / heritage for development  / interpretation

23rd Camp: Gjirokastra, Albania / 9 – 20 September
Themes: Building conservation / heritage management  / interpretation
Application deadline: 10 July

24th Camp: Mitrovica, Kosovo / 9 – 20 September
Themes: Conservation of movable objects / interpretation
Application deadline: 10 July